MAFS Futures Tracker
- . February 24, 2023
The 10th season of Married At First Sight is well and truly underway as 12 couples attempt to find love with the assistance of reality television while navigating instant celebrity and unchecked egotism. It really is challenging for all involved.
But how well have the experts done matching this year’s couples? Can any of them possibly last in the real world? You know, the one where the only cameras are those being used to take selfies and apply unrealistic filters on the daily.
Bet Nation looks at every couple’s chance of going the distance and being together at the end of the series.
MAFS Couples
February 24th
Tayla and Hugo
‘Controlling’ and someone who ‘does not compromise’ is how Tayla described herself pre-show. Not sure what she’s talking about when she forced him to sleep on the sofa on their wedding night and told him to ‘shut up’ when speaking (confused face emoji). She followed it up by calling him a ‘little puppy dog’ in front of the other couples at the dinner party, giving him a one-way ticket to the emasculation station. Won’t last.
Evelyn and Rupert
Arguably the most awkward wedding ceremony of them all, Rupert could not form complete sentences when he first met Evelyn. This could easily be viewed as ‘cute’ or that he was instantly taken by her. More likely, however, it’s because he’s the shy son of a religious couple who disagrees with his participation on the show, and she’s a forthright and confident 26-year-old model. Not sold one iota.
Melissa and Josh
Already done. Kaput. Over. Josh struggled to keep up with Melissa’s insatiable sexual appetite, and Mel struggled to care about Josh’s job, income, feelings or just about anything else.
Melinda and Layton
Despite Melinda’s wedding day commentary surrounding Layton’s inferior personality, looks, apparent job and describing herself as a 9.5 on a bad day (urgh), this couple has warmed up since the honeymoon. Both run their own businesses, which tells me that, even if they don’t last one second longer than the show, they’ll find a way to stick it out through the tough times in front of the cameras.
Alyssa and Duncan
Another intruder couple that we’re only starting to get to know this week. He’s been described as Prince Charming, and she’s coming out of a seven-year marriage – there’s hope for viewers that they mean business.
Caitlin and Shannon
Also done, kaput and over. He wasn’t a kind guy, and the experts ended their relationship.
Janelle and Adam
We had high hopes for these two, despite his unwillingness to explain his ability to earn money as an ‘entrepreneur’ in the days after their wedding. Those hopes were covered in petrol and set alight when he kissed another bride two weeks ago, lied about it and gaslit the living hell out of Jesse. Most likely, the next couple to end.
Tahnee and Ollie
A new couple we know little about at this point. Intruders don’t seem to last, so we’re not holding our breath. They do look nice together, though.
Claire and Jesse
Wowee, what a rollercoaster ride these two have already been on. From Jesse absolutely savaging Claire’s interest in star signs and spirituality on the honeymoon to Claire sticking her tongue in Adam’s mouth, the former has already said he wants out at the next commitment ceremony. It was entertaining while it lasted.
Sandy and Dan
We love these two. A 36-year-old dental hygienist who has never been in a serious relationship with a 42-year-old business owner trying to make the relationship work after two failed marriages. And both seem bloody nice. We’re on the Dandy train.
Lyndall and Cameron
Another couple the fans are drooling over is the Aussie carpenter and the accountant, who absolutely hit it off in the show’s first few weeks. Lyndall revealed her battle with cystic fibrosis and a new wonder drug giving her another 40 years of life, showcasing her dedication to the experiment and finding love. Easy-going operators, this is undoubtedly a match-up that could work.
Bronte and Harrison
Anyone who opens with ‘people will either love me or hate me’ is a specific type of unlikeable. Harrison rolled in with more confidence than any man should exhibit, and it’s apparent the other couples wouldn’t trust him as far as they could throw him. Bronte says she’s all about the ‘old school romance’, but I’m sure the thousands of extra Insta followers will do if that fails. Yeah, Nah.
There is hope. We’ve given ticks to Melinda and Layton, Sandy and Dan, Lyndall and Cameron and potentially one more from the pack of intruder couples. At $4 with Bet Nation, it looks like a seriously good value bet.